Abies lasiocarpa 'Aline Beauty'

Abies lasiocarpa 'Aline Beauty'
Abies lasiocarpa 'Aline Beauty'
A very choice selection of Alpine Fir. When young, the plant is quite globose and symmetrically branch, becoming conical, but still quite dwarf as it ages. Yearly growth is about 1", producing a cute little cone of about 1' tall after 10 years. The silvery-blue foliage appears both soft and lustrous and is densely needled, obscuring the branch structure. Zone 5
Your Price: $25.00
Part Number:  4988
Availability:  1
Mature Size: Dwarf
Note: Pickup at Nursery Only!
In Stock.
A very choice selection of Alpine Fir. When young, the plant is quite globose and symmetrically branch, becoming conical, but still quite dwarf as it ages. Yearly growth is about 1", producing a cute little cone of about 1' tall after 10 years. The silvery-blue foliage appears both soft and lustrous and is densely needled, obscuring the branch structure. Zone 5