Cornus Florida NEW 2023

Cornus Florida NEW 2023
Cornus Florida NEW 2023
Flowering Dogwood is a lovely, spring-blooming deciduous tree. Showy white flowers appear in April-May, offering a valuable nectar source for native bees. Flowers are followed by oval=shaped fruits, which mature to a bright red color in late fall. The green foliage turns a deep reddish-purple in the fall. Flowering Dogwood is a host plant for butterfly and moth larvae. Prefers moist, acidic, organic soils and grows best in partly shady areas. Zone 5-7b
Your Price: $25.00
Part Number:  4831
Availability:  5
Flower Color: White
Mature Size: 20-40't x 20-40'w
Note: Pickup at Nursery Only!
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Flowering Dogwood is a lovely, spring-blooming deciduous tree. Showy white flowers appear in April-May, offering a valuable nectar source for native bees. Flowers are followed by oval=shaped fruits, which mature to a bright red color in late fall. The green foliage turns a deep reddish-purple in the fall. Flowering Dogwood is a host plant for butterfly and moth larvae. Prefers moist, acidic, organic soils and grows best in partly shady areas. Zone 5-7b

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